Blog / What makes the holidays great?

What makes the holidays great?

A. Family

B. Friends

C. Gifts

D. Love

E. All of the above!

If you’re anything like us, you get reflective around the holidays.Not that it’s easy—once November hits, there’s hardly any spare time. But somehow there seems to be a special moment or two where we can look back on the year, take stock of everything we’ve done and shared, and maybe even practice a little mindfulness. Yes, it’s a tall order! But we hope you get those moments, and that you can make the most of them.

Go, go, go!

The rest of the time, it’s a sprint—wringing out every list-making, multi-tasking, online-shopping, gift-wrapping, cookie-dough-mixing minute out of every hour from Cyber Monday to New Year’s Day. With so much going on, we’ve got a secret ingredient that may help make things a little easier for those with lymphedema. You guessed it: Aria FreeTM.

A little pump. A lot of togetherness.

The portability of the Aria Free compression pump can make a world of difference whether you’re staying close to home or traveling for the holidays. Got family visiting? Flying to the tropics? Making s’mores and writing holiday cards? Maybe you’re planning your 10th annual It’s a Wonderful Life viewing party. Whatever you’ve got going, you can be right in the middle of the action. While therapy can typically be isolating, Aria Free lets you pump, pause and walk, and never miss a minute with the people you love.

Sharing is (self-)caring.

There’s a lot of giving around this time of year: choosing just the right gift, lovingly wrapping and tying the ribbons up just right. But it’s not always about the latest gadget. Sometimes it’s showing someone how much they mean to us by giving of ourselves—showing up, giving our time, or preparing a favorite meal. With all that outpouring, we want to remind you that while you’re enjoying that quality time with others, make sure you make a little extra time to give yourself the gift of self-care. We think you deserve it. 😚

Stress less, laugh more.

Whatever this year looks like for you, we hope the hustle and bustle is less hassle. So breathe, share, celebrate, and toast to another milestone.

All of us at Aria Health wish you a bright holiday season and an especially happy and healthy new year.

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